2019年3月20日 星期三



Plickers, is a real-time assessment tool that let’s you poll your class without the need for student devices. Scanning student cards with the Plickers app, teachers get instant feedback on their lessons.
Both interactive and anonymous, Plickers is an activity students enjoy and feel comfortable participating in. Where can I get the answer cards? Print out your cards from plickers.com/cards or purchase a set on Amazon.com. Each card has a unique number that can be assigned to individual students. Each side represents an answer choice.

2019年3月13日 星期三


    Kahoot! 是一個網站可以透過手機裝置進行的遊戲. 現在被廣泛使用在課堂上, 是一個較為有趣的測驗方法可以讓學生在沒壓力得狀況下, 思考老師給的問題. 遊戲進行時, 教師可將電腦畫面投影出來的教室, 或是能做電腦擴播的電腦教室, 因為學生無法在載具中看到題目, 載具只是一個選答案的工具, 所以必須透過投影或廣播才能讓學生看到題目。
     Kahoot! is a web for using technology to create quizzes, discussions or surveys. It's can started by the teacher or a discussing group. It is a game based classroom response system played by the whole class in real time. Questions and choices will be projected on the screen to make sure every students can see the questions and multi-choice. And student can answer it by smartphone, tablet or computer.

This are screenshots when I played kahoot! with my friends. 
It's will show the answer and grades at the end. 


It is free and can install the Toontastic app from the app store. You can set your characters, bring your own script and import user'...